Thursday, January 28, 2010

Astronauts Tweet

NASA has recently equipped the International Space Station with wireless internet access so that astronauts can communicate with friends and family back home, surf the net, check facebook, and even tweet. "Hello Twitterverse! We r now LIVE tweeting from the International Space Station -- the 1st live tweet from Space! :) More soon, send your ?s," Creamer said in his first tweet early this morning. NASA hopes that the wireless connection will help astronauts stay in touch with their families and make long missions easier and less stressful. All three astronauts on the International Space Station are expected to tweet soon and will be joined by six new astronauts in February who will also be tweeting with updates.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

KeyChest technology from Disney

Last week The Walt Disney Company introduced KeyChest movie technology to the world. KeyChest technology allows the customer to purchase movies and shows from different distributors, store them on remote servers, and play them on various platforms such as the newest smartphone or the television in the living room. Disney feels like the consumer should not be limited to a DVD player or sitting in front of their TV so Disney is bringing the movies to the consumer. Disney will be working hand and hand with an unknown third-party to develop the technology. Disney hopes the technology will be completed before then end of 2010.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Me, Myself, And I

1. Bitty
2. 12 :) Full time
3. General Studies Social Sciences Specialization
4. From JTCC, I plan on attending Longwood University and majoring in Political Science and minoring in Criminal Justice. I plan to work with the federal government in the court system.
5. I enjoy social networking and online communication with friends and classmates. I would consider myself rather computer literate.
6. I have been working at a Christian daycare for 3 years. I hold a full time position teaching three year olds about the Lord Jesus Christ.
7. Sports is my niche. I love volleyball, track and field, and basketball. I played almost every sport in high school (minus cross country). I have been dancing all my life and love doing it more than anything. Unlike the typical college student, I actually enjoy school. I also welcome a challenge.